Neighbourhood Development
1. Theatre Workshop for Seniors
From May to November 2017, 18 theatre workshop sessions were delivered to seniors in Peel Region. These sessions relied on storytelling and the performing arts to meet the need for social activity among seniors. The impact of the theatre workshop sessions was increased self-expression and psychological well-being.
2. Peel Poverty Action Group (PPAG)
PPAG is a community-based group that advocates for people living in poverty, as well as people who are homeless, particularly those who are living and working on the streets. The SPC-Peel provides administrative support to PPAG's activities as well as research and planning support
3. ACYSAP (Youth Program)
The Motivational Identity Transformation (MIT) Framework is a partnership between the African Canadian Youth Substance Abuse Prevention (ACYSAP) Program and the Social Planning Council of Peel. This framework will enable racialized and Black youth to develop the habits, skills, and self-esteem they need for success in life. The four pillars of preparing youth for success are self-determination, creativity, responsibility, and equity
4. Social Purpose Enterprise
This project has two main components. The first component is an internal management one. This involves the SPC-Peel giving consideration to how it can incorporate the subject and practice of a social purpose enterprise as one of its core program areas for the future. The second component is an educational or capacity-building one. It involves SPC Peel providing capacity building support to small, new and emerging non-profit agencies/groups interested in establishing and managing social purpose enterprises in Peel.