An image with the text capacity

Capacity-Building for Small and Emerging Non-Profit Agencies and Community Groups

Financial Management Training Support

Funded by Community Foundation of Mississauga

The purpose of this project is to develop the financial management capacity of more than 20 new and emerging non-profit agencies in Mississauga. The practical objective of this project is to enable the agencies to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence necessary for the financial management of their organizations. The project consists of financial management training sessions and one-on-one coaching.

Developing the Capacity of Small and Emerging Non-Profit Agencies and Groups in Peel

Funded By Ontario Trillium Foundation

This three-year project provided over 20 new and emerging non-profit agencies and groups in Peel with training, mentoring and one-on-one coaching in the area of non-profit management. A formal training program was developed and delivered by professionals in the non-profit sector.