An image with the text our services

Our Services

Immigrants' Well-being and Skills Development Services

Recent Immigrants' Job Readiness and Quality of Life

Social purpose enterprise arm of the SPCP

Seniors' well-being and social activity services

Seniors' Social Wellness, Healthy Eating and Light Physical Exercise

Seniors' Financial and Digital Literacy

Youths' Well-being and Skills Development Services

Youths’ Professional Skill Development and Practicums

Youths’ Labor Market Fundamentals, Targeted Resume Writing and Application of the Social Sciences

Women’s Program

Cross Cultural Parenting Program

Women’s Leadership Program

Single mother’s financial literacy, educational workshops, and trainings

Gender Based Analysis

Consultation and Training to improve other organizations with inclusive and people-centered services

Organizational Development, Service Planning and Reviews with a strong focus on Human Rights

Organizational Anti-Racism, Anti-Cisnormativity and Relevance to Clients’ Organizational Belongingness

Strengthening marginalized groups and neighbourhoods

Improving service capacity among non-profit organizations and assessing community needs

Social and Physical Well-being Services

Mindful Path Services

Mentoring Program

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